

Your Nickname:Your Email:
Your Password:Your year of Birth:

OhMyDollz - Rules of the game update

In order for a community to flourish, some rules are to be respected so that everyone has a good time on the game. Therefore, we ask you to read these few lines and to respect the rules.


Rules of good conduct

Respect for other players is not an option.

-Respect those who have different beliefs than your own
-Respect different tastes and colors
-Stay courteous in all circumstances. -Stay courteous in all circumstances. You have no obligation to respond in the same tone to a disrespectful person. You can make sure not to receive messages from that person if you want by blocking him manually.

-Do not use profanity, homophobic, racist, provocative, trash talking...
- Do not publish homophobic, racist, provocative, sexual photos (drugs/use of drugs, nudity, religion, politics...)...
-Do not praise risky behavior. -Do not promote risky behaviors. The game is suitable strictly for children over 12.
-Do not insult or show disrespect to any other player
-Do not harass, threaten or blackmail another player
-Do not ask for Bank codes. Ever.
-Do not initiate or forward "email chains", in order not to pass on false information (phishing, hoax...)

Blackmail, harassment, threats and extortion

Players must comply within the law, implying that blackmail, harassment, threats and extortion are totally banned and subject to punishment.

No player has the power to block or delete an account that is not his own (but he may try to make you believe it).
No player which is not part of the administrative team, has the power to moderate, block, or harm your account in any way whatsoever.
The 2 only people authorized to contact you in-game on behalf of the team are: Sarah, Avart.

If a player claims he can block your account, he's lying. You can immediately use the button "report" this private message or the player, in order to report abuse to the Team.

If a player is threatening to block your account telling you that he has reported you, even though you didn't do anything, do not believe him. Reports are all verified by an administrator and false reports are never taken into account. Their author may even be punished.

Do not comply to threats. Never give your password to another player. A real member of the administrative team will never request your password, and he will never threaten you.

An administrator is easily recognizable because there always this small icon on his account. The 2 only people authorized to contact you in-game on behalf of the team are: Sarah, Avart.

If you are a victim of one or more of these facts, we invite you to contact us through the contact of the FAQ interface .

Consequences for bad conduct

In case of noncompliance within the rules of the game, our team takes the right to block all communication tools of the responsible account for a specified period, or to ban the user from the game in the most serious cases.

These sanctions may apply in case of rules breaking:

-Blocking of sending private messages and / or comments
-Blocking of the customization of your who-am-I
-Banned from the forum
-Banned from the game

The duration of these sanctions can vary depending on the severity of your actions. In case of recidivism, all of the player-managed accounts will be blocked without warning.

Bad behavior on the forum / Facebook pages

The forum of the game, as well as Facebook pages are a free space for discussion open to all, but they are also affected by these rules.

They are public pages, which means that all members of the community as well as unconnected ("guests") users can read what you are writing.
By registering to the game and the forum, you have accepted the terms of use (CGU) as well as the rules of the forum. Any violation of these rules will result in a sanction. So be careful how you express yourself on these pages, because you are responsible for the content you publish.

Any player wishing to participate in the community will have to ensure he/she is behaving in a good way and the way he/she is writing don't disrespect any other players, nor to any community whatsoever, or the administrative team.

A player not complying within the rules on these platforms can be banned from these pages or the forum.
In the most serious cases, the user can also see his player account banned from the game.

Accounts sales and traffic

A player's account is personal, it is up to each player to create his account if he wants one. Creating an account is completely free.

It is completely forbidden on the game to:
-Buy or sell accounts
-Trade his/her doll against another doll
-Trading his/her doll against anything, whatever it is (codes, votes...)

FeerikGames declines any responsibility and cannot help you if you violate the above rules.
Breaking the rules will lead to an immediate block and without warning of the "offending" account as well as any associated accounts managed by the same player or accomplices.

The abuse of sponsorship

Sponsorship, being a creation of account, is also subjected to this rule. Asking or proposing sponsorship to a player in exchange of anything is forbidden.

This cause an immediate block of the "offending" account as well as all associated accounts managed by the same player.

The contest with the dollz in rewards

Contests with a dollz as reward are not allowed, especially if they ask to provide votes or codes to enter.

Similarly, to propose a contest where a player can give you a doll to progress is also prohibited.

These types of contests are the equivalent to sale and purchase accounts. This cause an immediate block of the "offending" account as well as all associated accounts managed by the same player.

The sanctions in case of accounts' traffic

In case of sale of an account or participation in any type of accounts' traffic, our team reserves the right to ban the user from the game, as well as to banish all of its associated accounts.

Accounts traffic is a serious thing that will result in an immediate block without any prior warning.

An account proposed on sale will never be unblocked.

Giving account and protection of passwords

It is completely forbidden to ask for the password of another player.

NEVER give your password to another player, NEVER enter your OhMyDollz logins on a site other than even if promised to earn bonuses. This is a way to steal your account!

Our team reserves the right to ban any user who tries to get the password from another player by any means, as well as to banish all of its associated accounts.

Giving away your account is also forbidden for security reasons The proposed account will be blocked by our team.

Codes traffic

Some unscrupulous players may offer to exchange a Bank code against several other codes.

For example: Give me 1 code and I'll give you 3.

This is of course a scam! Never accept this type of trade or you will lose your codes (and your money)!

If you get ripped off, our team will not be able to do anything to help you, and your money will be lost.

Any player who will offer this type of trade will be immediately banned from the game, together with its associated accounts.

Trading codes against votes or gifts

These exchanges are tolerated by our team, but they are entirely subjected to the player?s responsibility if he/she decides to be involved in this type of Exchange.

When involved in this type of trades, you don?t have ANY rights for reclamation of any sort on the game support.
FeerikGames declines any responsibility and cannot help you if you are involved in this kind of trade.

Trading codes against dollz

They are totally forbidden.

For more information: sales and traffic of account

Contests with codes as rewards

Contest offering Bank codes as participation or as reward are tolerated by our team, but if you choose to get involved in these activities, it is your responsibility.

When involved in this type of trades, you don?t have ANY rights for reclamation of any sort on the game support.
FeerikGames declines any responsibility and cannot help you if you are involved in this kind of trade.


Behaviors or actions intended to divert the normal operation of the game are not allowed. For the respect of the other players and the good operation of the game.

It is forbidden to use scripts or other automated gaming tools to automate the gaming process.

It is forbidden to interrupt, block or interfere with the game's systems or the services.

Commercial activities

Your account is intended for fun purposes only, to play OhMyDollz.

No commercial or advertising activity will be allowed. Don't use your account for a commercial activity nor to advertise a site or merchant service.

Do not disturb the players with unwanted advertisements external to OhMyDollz.

Youth protection

For safety, all new account created on the game must wait 30 days before you can change WAI page or send private messages. However, he/she can participate in the forum and the Facebook pages of the game.

He/she can also contact the support in case of technical problems.

The game is strictly forbidden for children under 12. (See terms of use)

It is completely forbidden to seek in any way whatsoever, for any type of erotic relationship in the game, whether through private messaging, player profile, nickname of the account, or link to another site.
Any account offering or asking for this type of service will be blocked immediately, without warning, as well as any other accounts associated with this account. There will be no exception.
This interdiction, strict and without exception, is valid for ALL accounts, including type as "RPG"/"RP"/"JDR"/"role-playing games" (and it does not matter the orientation of the game: hetero, homo, in French, in Japanese, in English, submission games... nothing is tolerated). No, rape and slavery are not games, period. Any solicitation, mention or apology of this type of behavior via any means of dissemination is strictly prohibited on the game.
We remind you that it is forbidden to promote child prostitution. We take this matter very seriously, because this has no place in the game and can bring about Legal proceedings. All accounts offering these kinds of message will be immediately blocked, without warning, as well as any other accounts associated with this account.

If you find this type of account, quickly contact our team who will be able to take action, or even contact the competent authorities by clicking on the button "report abuse" at the bottom of the form concerned.

Security and validation of accounts

For your safety, you must validate your account.
That is why you shouldn?t forget to put a valid email in your account, and add to the list of your contacts in your mail box and then confirm it by clicking the link at the top of your loft.

Hacking and scams

NEVER give your password to another player, NEVER enter your OhMyDollz logins on a site other than even if promised to earn bonuses: This is a way to steal your account!

Don't click on any external links to OhMyDollz, especially if the link asks to connect you somewhere. If a link takes you to a login page, NEVER enter your login details above! Even though the site may look like another site, NEVER connect via an unknown link!

If someone sends you a link where you have to register somewhere, do not. Whatever the reason, whatever the player tells you, don't do it in order to keep your account safe.
If you want to do it anyway, be vigilant and NEVER put your OhMyDollz login on this site. Never put the same passwords on different sites.

Accept no OhMyDollz account of an unknown player. Login to the account of another player or accept an account can seriously harm your account.

This may be a scam designed to steal your account or to destroy your inventory. Above all, do not try to login to the account of the person who sent you the message, even (and especially) if she gave you a password!

A true Feerik Games team member will NEVER ask you for your password or any other information on your account. An administrator is easily recognizable because always has this small icon on his account.

NEVER give out your password or other information to someone.
Do not disclose ANY private information of your account to anyone.
For example, never give anyone your email address, your date of registration, your name or last name, your address or your bank history.

Beware also of players who offer you to call a phone number or send SMS. It may be a excessively costly number!

Do not respond to these messages, report them right away!

Hosting images on your account

You must host yourself the images you post. No direct link to other sites.

By copying a web link from another site, you risk the integrity of everyone. If the link to an image you copied is changed at the root by a third person, you may become a broadcaster of malicious content without your knowledge.
OhMyDollz must protect its members by deleting these malicious contents.
Any link with malicious content (malware, virus, worm, trojan...) will be deleted immediately and without any warning.

You are responsible for the pictures and comments you post on your page "Who I Am". Images that you post must be your own, or in the public domain, or royalty-free (creative commons licenses).

Beyond the content that must be correct and suitable for any kind of ages, photos, music and images published on the internet are all protected by copyright. Meaning that if you are not the author/owner of the image, you don't have the right to publish on your WIA or indeed anywhere that is not for a private use. Your WIA is visible to everyone, and therefore considered to be of public use and not private access (like anywhere on internet free access).

If you post images you are not the creator/owner of (eg: picked from a search engine): If the creator/owner were to request the deletion of your images, images without official consent of the original creator/owner will be deleted without warning.
If you redistribute or use a trademark name, in case of complain from the owner / company owner, your account will be blocked immediately and without warning.

This also applies to brand names in the pseudonyms chosen at registration. Some artists and some companies are more demanding than others, but overall, you do not have the right to use a trademarked name in pseudonym (and some celebrity names are trademarks).

If you are in this case, we invite you to contact the technical support of the game in order to change your nickname.

Have a nice game on OhMyDollz!

© FEERIK GAMES 2015 - Contact us - My account - Rules - How to participate? - 25/10/2024 09:34:22